The story begins because of this...
When Dr. Wang was a 4-year-old little girl who started her journey with violin, her parents discussed purchasing a violin with some professionals. However, there are so many questions such as violin’s value, quality and a whole lot more popped up in their heads. Even thought they purchased the violin, they still had problems on maintaining or fixing it.
Now with this music school, Dr. Wang decided to have a violin rental shop with it. Our students can simply rent a violin with their learning program. All violins that we rent out are carefully chosen by Dr. Wang. They are good quality, and best fit to violin beginners. Dr. Wang advises to every student who is new to this instrument: "Rent a violin!" before you achieve advanced level. |
Violin Rental Program
Good Quality |
Advanced Quality |
Premium Quality |
85 |
125 |
200 |
per 3 months* |
per 3 months* |
per 3 months* |
"Treat me well!" Deposit: $300 |
"Treat me well!" Deposit: $500 |
"Treat me well!" Deposit: $900 |
* The retail price is $850. |
* The retail price is $1800. |
* The retail price is $2550. |
* This price displays ONLY for our studio's student.
* Rent to own program is available for our studio's student.
* Rent to own program is available for our studio's student.